Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today's word just knocked me off my feet.  It came out of the blue and like a punch to the gut, I was forced to stop what I was doing and take a deep breath.

Little girl...
In my arms...
Quiet words...
Hold me...



firmly or closely fixed in place; not easily moved; secure

I love that last word...SECURE.  Actually it was, "Mommy, hold me tight so I don't fall." 

I will do just that, baby girl...for you are my free spirit and I know you won't let me do it for long.  And when you "fall", I will pick you up, wipe your tears, and put you right back where you belong...boldly stepping through this life with that "Lily Charm" that we have all grown to love.

Point taken...

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

I have done my share of catching today too.

.mac :)