Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bean and Fred

My daughter and her dear friend are spending the day at cheer camp.  They were so excited to spend the day together doing something they both love.  I snapped this picture on their way in the doors.

I have a Fred.  We've been friends since we were 10.  We are always super excited when we get to spend the day together too (especially now that she lives 800 miles away).

Finger Lakes
REO Concert
Old Friends
New Memories
What a Night



a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

18 years ago last month, I moved to Tennessee.  The night before I left we went to the REO concert as my farewell gathering with my nearest and dearest, including my Fred (aka Kelly).  A few weeks ago, it was REO again.  Older, wiser, but still two girls who love to spend the day together.

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

I really like this whole word thing...I am learning so much about you!

YOU have a Fred too!

.mac :)