Sunday, September 26, 2010


I wasn't sure what Friday's word would look like.  I was hoping for the best, but anticipating the worst.  And then my word fell on me with such a beautiful peace that I claimed it and wore it all day long.

Alma Mater...
Press Toward the Mark...
Thankful Hymns...
Inspiring Words...



to praise widely or to present to widespread and favorable public notice

I love Lee University.  It is a place that completely changed my life year's ago.  So Friday, as I gathered to celebrate its growth, it snuck right in and changed me again.  As I sat in chapel, listening to my favorite speaker, I was consumed.  Consumed by God's love, mercy, and absolute grace on my life. I am not allowed to ask "Why me?" so I simply whisper the words, "Thank you.  Thank you for a life that I do not deserve."


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