Saturday, October 5, 2013

An Awakening

Something's been stirring. Not like a tilt-a-whirl, throw-up in your mouth kind of spin, but rather a circular motion. Like a spin that happens when water goes down a clogged drain.

I stopped trying to figure out why. That makes the spinning worse. I decided, instead, to focus on the how. How does one stop feeling dizzy when things are off-balance, blurry, or just plain weird?

The only thing I know to do is curl up in the fetal position and hold on until it's over. It works temporarily but at the end of the day, the spinning won't stop. Plain and simple, I am the spinning. And the more spinning I do, the less of me there is.

I've been thinking about this blog a lot.  The fact of the matter is I haven't felt much like writing lately. It's been over a year since I've even tried. It goes back to that phrase about "Best Intentions". I have a lot of those. This summer I found my daughter reading the words I had written about her as a toddler. It was then I realized I MUST find my voice again, if only for her sake (and memories).

My friend Meghan has been spot on lately. It's as if she can read my mind and writes exactly what I'm thinking about. You can check her out

She recently challenged me (and any of her other readers) to a reflection show-down. A hashtag commitment to #lifeisbiginthelittlechallenge. It seemed like a great place to start for a lover of writing who can't find her voice. So here goes.  Fall Break described in hashtags.

Day 1:  Bobo Time

Top-Left:  #donteverletgo
Top-Right:  #PIGwithBOBO
Center-Left:  #checkingoutUSA
Center-Left:  #sunkissedandsmiles
Bottom-Left:  #butchcassidyburger #atethewholething
Bottom-Right:  #dutchicecreamohmy

Stay tuned for my slow awakening this week!

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...


So glad you have found your voice once more. I think it's the breaks in words that provide our emotions with the best clarity for collecting words.

Writing is worth it.

Love your slowdown with the hashtags for each photo. Super cool! I look forward to reading your S L O W and your so very important too.

Thanks for joining!

.mac :)