Friday, March 30, 2012


I have never been one to focus on a number.  Age.  Money.  Prizes.  They all seem quite trivial to me.

As I sit and wrap up the last few hours of my 37th year, I find myself swirling around between a place of confusion and peace.  I know this “teeter-totter” feeling comes straight from experience as I am no stranger to adversity and change.  The past few weeks have given me my share of both.  And yet, I stare 38 in the face and say, “Bring it!”

After a spring break filled with illness, I decided to spend my birthday eve headed to one of my favorite places.  Scattered thunderstorms abbreviated the river activity, but allowed for plenty of reflection during the drive.  I decided to document my drive through pictures in hopes of remembering my thoughts for many birthdays to come.

I stare at this picture and see a woman that I know.  If you look carefully, you will see no makeup, hair tied back in a scarf, dimples and moles.  It brings me pure joy to see the past 37 have not taken those things from me.

Speaking of looking in a mirror, how could one not feel inspired looking in the rearview mirror at these two?  I have a feeling we have many roadtrips in our future.  More about them later…

I am a lover of music of all kinds.  Every few months, I am blessed with a playlist from one of my dearest.  This one (circa September 2011) reminds me of a weekend of absolute joy on Dale Hollow Lake with some of my favorite people.  Hwy 64 would not be complete without a memorable soundtrack.

I made this drive last weekend with some of my oldest friends who came to visit from NY.  They will tell you that my feet have always been my most identifiable feature.  One can quickly find it by the scars and long second toe.  Tonight I found it nestled up by the steering wheel in its most favorite position.

Despite the rain, we found ourselves at a treasured dive at the base of the river.  I am a lover of all things local.  When I travel, I must find the one place that location is known for.  I don’t imagine the ODD is legendary, but it holds its own special place in my heart as it reminds me of my true soul.   Lord knows I’ve always been a sucker for randomness found in the middle of a field.

We found our table and they found their journals.  Each of them immediately started arguing over the black pen that could perfect their own personal reflections.  After some “problem-solving” they nestled in to create a masterpiece of their own. 

Tate settled into the place that speaks to him, anything involving science.  If you look closely at his drawing, you will see spacecraft, satellites, and martians.  I see much more.  I see the intent focus of his daddy and the sparkling strawberry hair of my family.

Lily took a more personal approach with her hearts and American flag.  Her rosy lips and bangs hanging over her eyes give me a more intimate view into the little girl she is…sweet, endearing, strong. 

Both of these pictures remind me that my entrance into year 38 is so much less about me than ever before.

This last picture may appear random to the average person.  I could spout of some relative meaning, but I took it simply because it made me laugh.  Which reminds me…I need to do that more often.

So 38, here I come…ready and willing to take what you got and with it, I commit to be:

·      A better servant to the Lord and all the blessings and trials he affords me.
·      The best wife that I can, listening more than I speak and loving more than I criticize.
·      Present to my two beautiful treasures I was given to raise and mold.
·      Loving to my parents, brothers, inlaws and extended family as they have given me that same gift.
·      Connected to a wonderful circle of friends as they remind me of who I was and who I will be.
·      Inspired in my daily professional walk and make each moment at work MATTER.

In short, I commit to a better me.  Through growth and reflection, I strive for the life that I am led to live.  Happy 38 to me!!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Great commentary about your birthday. Loved it!