Sunday, April 5, 2009

Three Dog Night

Ten hours of sleep in two nights does not suit an old lady with two kids...but man did I have a great time! The finale of birthday month ended with a game of round robin on on the back deck and some dancing to Bon Jovi...oh God what do the neighbors think? I can not tell you how amazing my friends are.

As Miss Metro NY Youth Camp 1992 (true story...might make the book!!), I would like to present some awards...

The Bleeding Heart Award goes to...Kendra

She's the counselor of the bunch and has the biggest heart of anyone you'll ever meet. She saves a little piece of the world everyday.

Miss Jubilee goes to...Stef

Or Best Orphanage Director, Miss Hanagan as we have endearingly named her...Our cruise director...she sees to it that there's cake, birthday quizzes, and of course, dancing...

Most Not Envied goes to...Lea

Except we were all so jealous that she is still so freakin' tiny at 7 months...there always has to be one...our preggers gal who has to sit around and watch us all be ridiculous and wonders how early is too early to leave and go to bed???

Miss Non-Congeniality goes to...Heather

And then there's one whose in a bit of a funk and this weekend it was Heather...hope you're feeling better soon, girl. AND I DON'T CARE WHAT JAMIE SAYS ABOUT YOU!!!

Furthest Traveled goes to...DUH!!! That would be Jamie...

Yep all the way from Michigan and the girl's got chops! She stayed up as late as the rest of us...even after traveling 11.5 hours with three kids BY HERSELF!!!!

And Most Improved goes guessed it...our new baby mama Mish

I'm here to tell ya folks she's one heck of a mama...even offered to take care of my kids this morning while I slept in. And Miss Anabelle...she is a piece of heaven right here on earth (although her mother calls it high maintenance)

Yep...I'm blessed...but let me tell you, I'm not just blessed...I'm doubly blessed...cuz this guy...

THIS GUY let's these ladies come and invade his house. Heck...he even takes care of their kids if needed. And I would like to go on record to say if he's complaining about it, its not to me! Nope he treats them like his troop of extra wives (yep...just what he needs, right?)

A celebration of life, love, and happiness (and of course, some Bon Jovi, too)...just what I needed! (Insert Smile)

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