Sunday, April 12, 2009

Surprise for Mommy!!!

It's a family trait...we all come upon it honestly from soon as she tries to tell a non-truth or keep a secret, she gets this squirrly look on her face that makes her look as guilty as can be. Same with my mother and same with me...I can keep a private secret, but I have a real hard time with the surprise gifts. I like to give them as soon as I buy them...that's why I have to wait until right before Christmas to shop. That way I don't give away all the secrets. Unfortunately, Tate doesn't stand a chance because Robbie is exactly the same way so it came as no surprise when Tate broke the silence and told me about the "egg" and "cup" that he and Bobo had painted a few weekends ago. Igglers brought the pics this weekend to share with us....

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