Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's Get Physical!!!

I would love to be the one responsible, but I'm quite sure it's not me. For some reason, my kids have been quite interested with doing exercise lately. Whether it be a banana roll, supermans, or pushups, they are obsessed with doing them. Tate says that he has to exercise so that he can "get some energy". Their personal trainer and motivator? Their Nonny, of course...

And yes...I do realize my daughter is exercising in her underwear. I can only hope this is not a prediction of the future...

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

Can someone get me a "Nonny?" I need to "get some energy."

Wonder Woman fought off evil super heroes in her underwear. And our world was a better place for it. Go on, Lily. Do you thang, girl.

.mac :)