Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pen and Paper

Well its been almost 3 weeks since I've blogged, but I have remained faithful to my commitment to words.  That's right in the most rustic of forms, I have taken to the ole pen and paper.

So to close up my Fall Break, I thought I'd catch my readers up...

The return from Girls Weekend always leaves me quite conflicted.  On one part, I am fulfilled and on the other, I am exhausted.  My mind feels as if it is split in two.  Part of me wishes I could go back to the circle of trust and the other part of me is happy to return to my "normal". 

I didn't have much time to recover.  My first night back, I had a board meeting.  I arrived a few minutes late so I duck into a seat behind the sound booth.

Power Strip...
Microphones Off...
Duck Down...



the act or faculty of attending, esp. by directing the mind to an object.

Yep...right there in the board meeting...all eyes on me.  And my attention?  Sitting somewhere between my kitchen table and Nashville, TN.


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