Saturday, October 2, 2010

From His Eyes...

That boy of mine has a gift.  We are not quite sure where he got it from, but I know his talents will take him far.

Open house...
Art display...
Proud creator...
Adults grinning from ear to ear...



the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship

I am a sucker for details.  I have to spend most of my days in the "big picture" world so I revel in the moments that I can pay attention to the little things.  Now, if you look closely at my son's picture of me, you see two prominent circles right below my very large ears.  There are some classic punchlines that one could insert here and trust me we have well covered this territory. 

Actually, according to my dear friend who specializes in play therapy, this perspective shows that he sees me as one who nurtures and one who listens.  I think I prefer that explanation more than the punchlines. 

There is one small, teensy detail in this picture that one might miss.  The conveyance of this detail is the one thing that I want as part of my children's perspective when they think of me.   Carefully placed on my left ring finger..the symbol that is my primary role in this lifetime.  I am so glad he didn't overlook that one...



Sarah said...

Love it! :) And how cool that he put your wedding ring on there...

Mamie said...

My sweet little Tate. His picture is precious of how he sees his mommy. Love that young man!!