Sunday, October 26, 2008

Costume Fashion Show

So this week I was digging through Tate and Lily's old costumes when they decided they would try them all again...BIG or SMALL...

Tate is modeling his first costume...the LION...he would make the ROARRRRRR cute...
Tate is now modeling Lily's 1st Bumble Bee costume. Actually it was her second...her 1st she was two weeks old and I think wore pumpkin pajamas...

Lily is modeling Tate's spider costume from two years ago...this one is probably my favorite.

Tate is modeling (not so enthusiastically) his giraffe costume from last year. I'm not sure why he was less than enthused to put this one on...maybe he never wanted to be a giraffe...who KNOWS????
Lily is modeling a Pumpkin Pooh costume...don't think either one ever wore this one but it is a cute one...takers anyone???
Nope...didn't wear this one either...where do I get all these spare costumes?????

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