Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Brother and a Sister Kinda Thing...

As the Rascal Flatts song goes, my two share quite the bond. That bond was clearly apparent tonight as Lily packed up to leave for NY. They both hugged, cried, and told the other how much they loved em. It was such a touching moment...(even dad got in on the misty eyes).
I hadn't realized how hard they would take being apart. I think the next few weeks might get interesting as they'll be attending separate schools for the first time. I am blessed by my two beautiful kids and even more fortunate for the love they share. It truly is an answer to prayer.

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

Man, that sibling love.

Lily is in NY?


How long?

Hoep you are well! I sure miss you, principal.

.mac :)