Saturday, February 14, 2009

Alien Invasion

Anyone with kids knows that you never know what's going to come out of their mouths. And once you hear what comes out of their mouth, oftentimes your reaction is...."Huh??" Last week Tate woke up (for his 5:45 wake up call). Within five minutes of his wakeup, he says, "Mom, what's your favorite planet?" Now....totally reasonable question if A) you're studying planets at school, B) you've watched a movie about planets or C) you were talking the day before planets. Considering none of the choices occurred, I was caught a little off guard. So I said, "What made you think about the planets, buddy?" To which he replied, "Ah...I just was thinking about them last night before I fell asleep. So...what is it?" I had to think quick (since who really knows their favorite planet off hand????) and said, "Saturn, definitely Saturn." Hence begins the research project. That afternoon, Tate decides he wants to survey all his loved ones and friends about their favorite planet. So...of course, I decide we must chart the results (see below)...

And the winner is...


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