Saturday, March 8, 2008

Big Girl Panties

The Battle of Wills started about three months ago when Lily showed an interest in the potty. I wasn't prepared to potty train, but she insisted on taking her diaper off and heading to the bathroom when it was time. So...I headed off to Babies R Us, bought some big girl panties, skittles for the gumball machine, stickers and a potty chair. As soon as we got home, she was so excited to get it out...she used it right away. We danced around the bathroom and made a big deal about it. Now mind you...this is THREE months ago. Since then, she will NOT use the bathroom. I take her every 30 minutes. As soon as she pulls her pants up she comes over and says she's wet. I decided to take this to her teacher and see what was happening at school. Turns out, Miss Lily uses the potty regularly at school with the other kids. So...I decided not to get in a peeing contest (literally) with my daughter and I have not mentioned it in a few weeks. I figure when its time, she'll show an interest again. So...this morning she drags the potty downstairs, pulls down her pants, opens her book, and sits in front of the tv, watching Charlie and Lola, all the while sitting on her throne. Of course, when she stood up, there was nothing deposited. Back to the drawing board...


The Deavours Family said...

hahahaha...that is hilarious. Uh, where is this?? Have y'all moved?? Gotten hardwood floors?

TateandLily'sMom said...

yes...we got hardwood floors in November. Still hoping to sell :)