Friday, July 3, 2009

NY Day Five: Love Tank

On the way home from Seneca Farms, my love tank was full. 17 years ago, I moved 15 hours away from wonderful parents, slightly crazy brothers, and a super close family.

Everytime I come home, its as if I never left. When my mom's family comes together, the love and laughter abounds and yesterday was no different.

We started the day at the lake

watching the kids swim...

and fish...

and canoe...

After dinner, we headed down to the go kart place with the entire crew and here's the great thing...EVERYONE raced, including my 80 year old grandpa. Here are some highlights:

In the 1st race, Pipi and Pops brought up the rear...

In the 2nd race, Tate was VERY disappointed in his driving partner, Mamie who apparently drives too slow...

The competition heated up as Bobo continued to run his ever-flapping mouth, but the girls gave him a run for his money...

while Aunt Mims and Lil were just in it for a Thursday evening cruise...

Nothing makes the race complete, like a small chocolate with rainbow sprinkles from Seneca Farms.

Checking out of the cottage today and spending the weekend with my high school friends. The trip is closing down :(

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

Man, great, great memories.

Soak it all up.

.mac :)